What moves those of genius, what inspires their work is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough.

From 2012 ⸻

Our story

Inch Film is an Australian filming company that specializes in film production and film-related education. Inch Film’s services include video production and filmmaking, advertisement project planning, film-related education, and online video distribution. Our mission is to become one of the best film production and distribution companies in the world. Inch Film was established by its founder Nolan Wu, while completing his bachelor’s degree at The University of Melbourne. Inch Film was established to provide professional, high-quality video, photo and film products and services, thereby setting this benchmark for the Australian Chinese filmmaking market.

Made with love ⸻
We tailor your experience.

To setup a benchmark for local market, we owned a brand new VariCam LT to fit our high-end production. This is a 4K, 12 bit cinematic tier camera which has the verification from Netflix, and it is the best camera in the current market. Cinematic-like video for all projects.